Reception Transition Program
At Christian Brothers College (CBC), we offer a Reception Transition Program in Term 2 (for our mid-year intake) and Term 4 (for those commencing the following year) with the aim of ensuring the move from their early childhood settings to the school environment is a smooth and seamless one.
Before your son begins his learning journey at CBC we make it our priority to visit him in his own early childhood setting. This allows the Reception teachers and Inclusive Education Coordinator to visit each boy at their Child Care, Kindy, or Early Learning Centre (ELC). This gives your son a familiar face when they arrive for their first transition visit. It also allows us to work closely in partnership with his early years’ educators to ensure information is communicated to provide a seamless transition for both your son and your family.
During their visits to the Reception classrooms, their teachers will place an emphasis on play-based learning. This offers the opportunity for your son to develop his confidence, independence, social skills, fine motor coordination, and listening skills while in their new school environment. It also facilitates the adjustment to routines and structures which support school life.
At CBC we understand starting school can be a big deal for little ones, that’s why we have created a Free Multi-visit Transition Program to give your son the best start to his schooling. This includes a minimum of five weekly visits during the term before they are due to start at school. This can look different for each individual child, dependent on their needs. Our final transition visit concludes with a Hat and Bag Ceremony which initiates and welcomes your son to the college community.
Discover more about Junior Years at CBC
Junior Years
Excitement and wonder characterise the Junior Campus, and our skilled and passionate staff inspire and develop a deep sense of natural curiosity and inquiry to enable students to build new knowledge and a better understanding of the world they inhabit. This is where our boys start their educational journey.